Sunday, November 21, 2010

Blog Post: Development of Tools and Language

Nov. 21.2010

Why were tool-making and language important for the development of human culture?

Stone age/Prehistoric cultures are known today due to excavations and left resources from the past. Languages and tool-making were one of the main cultures in the past history of communicating lives. By hominids learning languages, early hominids could have created written/non written resources and develop their civilization.
Tool-making and Language usages were the principals of their lives. Most of the languages and tool-making started during Stone Henge times/periods and prehistoric times. Majorities of languages, tool making process are preserved and used today. Languages were useable in different ways such as word endings and to show the meaning of many things but mostly to communicate when hunting or talking etc. Grammar language made early hominids possible to express complicated thoughts, even gestures were early literature of hominids. Basically by using simple or either complex literatures early hominids could develop the written sources. On the other hand, tool-making works were cultures left behind for many centuries. Tool-making process required many steps and it covered so many materials. One of the complex tradition "Acheuilan" tool making process was used by H. Erectus 1.5 mya. H.Erectus invented a high quality artifact past then called easy tool hand ax for hunting. The tool making process would've required a lot of time and definitely communication which means by then communication was developed. Just tool making is one of the non written resources preserve for many years. So overall, language literature and tool making were one of the huge impacts on early hominids lives since these were the stages of hasty development.

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