The New Words from the Article
Kyle C.
- Define the word Mummy
A dead body of a human (usually kings), which was prepared as a burial, according to ancient Egyptians. The oldest known mummies, which date back to 7,000 years ago, were found in northern Chile near Arica, a port town of 160,000 at the edge of the Atacama desert.
Experts define a mummy as any ancient cadaver whose soft tissue has partially or wholly resisted decay.
- According to current scientific beliefs, what are some reasons people were intentionally mummified?
Ancient Egyptians mummified dead people to preserve the human remains; they had believed in an afterlife, they thought that the spirit would live for eternity in the after life. The dead bodies were buried next to the belongings since ancient Egyptians believed that they need them after life as well.
- What features of the natural environment can cause bodies to be mummified unintentionally?
Features of the natural environment, which cause bodies to be mummified are surgery.
- In what parts of the world have mummies been found?
Mummies have been discovered all parts of the world however the excavations and the traditions we all know are Egyptians.
- In what types of places (physical geography&climate) have mummies been found?
Ancient Egyptian mummies were found in the pyramids, located in the Sahara Desert is to be known as the hottest place. The physical geography of the pyramid is located at the ancient Giza, the tremendous pyramids consists of traps in-order for invaders to abduct the goods.
- How did Ancient Egyptians preserve their dead?
As I mentioned before, ancient Egyptians had preserved their cadavers in the pyramid. Throughout the century, many traders had failed to steal the goods in the pyramids due to fatal traps; however as more traders became to be interested in ancient goods, the goods and mummies had been stolen.
- Why do you think ancient Egyptians took such care to embalm their dead if the desert could do the job for them?
Ancient Egyptians had to take care of the dead in-order for the cadaver to be jubilant when they are dead; also it could had been a possibility that Ancient Egyptians cared so much due to security.
- List a least FIVE questions that you would ask about a place to determine whether it might be a promising location to find human mummies. Your questions should relate to climate, culture, religion and other factors that you think are important. Include images...
Which Pharaoh of Egypt was the first mummy and why?
How many traps against invaders were installed/made?
In the weather and climate condition, would've the mummy been in a bad position?
Why did you locate the mummy in the pyramid and how was the pyramid built?
How did Egyptian religion/beliefs influence their culture and lives.
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